Fake It With Faux Flowers!

Fake It With Faux Flowers!

Flowers are a great way to add some character to your home. Unfortunately, it isn’t always possible to keep real flowers for a number of reasons. But there are also many reasons as to why faux flowers are a great alternative!

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1.       Perfect for mind, body and home!

Freshly cut flowers especially when in bloom are great and any greenery and foliage have a positive impact on your mental health. However, if you can’t source them, artificial flowers can have the same effect. Great for your well being and a much better allergy free alternative for hay fever sufferers.

2.       They last a lifetime.

Incredibly great value, compared to real flowers that have a shorter lifespan and are costly to replace regularly. Artificial flowers are also much more durable and can withstand much more than real flowers.


Almost 90% of cut flowers are imported into the UK, when considering the effects of transportation, packaging and other negative environmental factors, artificial flowers are definitely the more sustainable option.

4.       Easy with Minimal maintenance

The best thing about artificial flowers is that you can achieve the look you want and create beautiful arrangements without worrying about falling petals, watering, and looking after them regularly or pollen. You’ll be able to find all types of flowers you want for your arrangements as you won’t need to wait for them to be in season and you can keep switching up the colours, styles and look you want without worrying about how long the flowers will last or whether you should throw them away. Keep them tucked away and bring them out whenever you want to use them for your arrangements.

With virtually no maintenance required apart from the occasional dusting using a damp microfibre cloth to gently wipe off any dust, artificial flowers are a great way to lift the look of your home without all the effort!


Share your faux flower creations with us on our socials, we’d love to see how you use them to style your home!

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